
Profound Spiritual Writings! Part 1

Dwellers On The Threshold 12.19.2004

Introduction: There is absolutely no alarm, harm or animosity intended in this communication! However, in the clear cause of the Divine freedom of each person on Earth to choose for themselves, whether they accept or reject any input they so encounter, the potential of any discord with another can only stem from some violation of this inalienable right, or it may result from fear induced reaction of concealment and coercive deception. Then let it be so, and simply return to Love!

I AM today bringing you a message especially intended for those who entrust shepherding in their deeply held beliefs to the Christian Church. (I use the word Church to include the multitude of separate denominations.) This is indeed a time of reflection and celebration for these ones, with hearts opened in Joy, and perhaps more receptive than usual.

By all means, inward and external, I wish to touch the good folk that have reached some wider field of inner contentment in their belief system, with the rather glowing expectations envisioned on leaving physical existence. Further in this text I become clearer as to the more specific ones this message is intended for. Broadly these are the ones, a great majority really, that are truly faithful, loving, and doing good in the communities they serve. They have become quite happy that their mental acceptance of their belief system, institutionally formalized by others, is what will secure their so-called salvation. Any surrender, as a vital component, is then usually to the agency of the Church, and It's tenets, dictates, even censure, in regard to the professed custody of the soul. Most become very comfortably entrenched, with the dreaded finality of departure looming ever closer, and no further appetite for 'rocking of the boat' at this late stage.

I wish to state, as a very encompassing statement that this, in relative terms, is a very wonderful level to have reached and consolidated into a firm, albeit very static base.

No-one has the right to detract from such an achievement over the centuries, in the collective bosom of the Church. This represents a vast advance on what these ones may have reached some 2000 years ago, and generous credit is therefore due the many who have lovingly and selflessly served in the Church over the centuries.

But now there are those thinking ones that observe the seemingly increasing turmoil and darkness around them with dismay, in the fast changing world today, and they begin to wonder whether the aging mellowed 'status quo' with so much entrenched dogma in the belief system as upheld by the Church, is actually enough or still relevant.

Many are becoming disillusioned and skeptical as to the efficacy of these organizations, with some now reacting into forms of exaggerated fundamentalism, and others simply bowing out, in the conviction that this institutionalized formatting of Religion and Theology is not delivering, in the much accentuated reality of individuality, and it's concomitent rights expanding into collective human rights, plus the avalanche of new knowledge for self advancement, both exoteric and esoteric.

The awkward point is also not missed, that by far the greatest darkness, misery, slaughter and conflict in the history of humanity, has roots directly and indirectly anchored in the Religions to this day, and mankind keeps suffering the divisive chronic contempt of anything or anyone 'other' in their midst. It is singularly to these brave and enquiring ones, that I bring these words, even if they may already have left the Church, in the hope that they may reflect deeply. It is not necessarily prudent to burn bridges in some sort of revolt, just because you find yourself inwardly challenged to search deeper and afresh.

The Church, lumbered with centuries of ballast in the form of anachronistic or bloated dogma, may well fear mutinies, like that of Martin Luther, and are therefore not tactically averse even if only in lipservice, to the reality of everything having to inexorably expand and unify and evolve, as a Divine imperative. And this is the natural essence of permanent change.

You may be just the conscientious one in your own search, to help in loosening outlived crystallization that is clung to for the 'dear life' of the organization. After all, you are a basic unit in the collective of the Church, with possibly many like you should you probe to ascertain. So you shape the collective you are integral to, often more than the dutiful ones put in charge of the flock, even if by nothing else than by your patronage.

In any questioning I suggest the core is to firstly consider the belief system itself, as it has been worked over and dogmatized by official luminaries over many centuries. What, for example, has the Church gleaned and turned into teaching as conventional wisdom, in the present personal concern of 'Whereto from here'? Is that which is termed 'salvation' such that, all you have to do is reverently follow the instructions and collect enough brownie points, die honorably with due ceremony, and then somehow live in perpetuity with Jesus into all eternity?

Or perhaps, as often portrayed, to gain access through the pearly gates to a personal wisp of cloud you have earned your rest on, now and then strumming a harp, and having a retinue of cherubs all round to fulfill your every desire, ad infinitum? (Perhaps, by contrast, the Islamic Paradise garden may even be more alluring to book into, if you care to study the brochure as to the ones that serve your desires.)

Can you confidently and honestly attest to any Religious organization having offered more elucidating or extensive interpretations to your destiny, than this sort of somewhat conditional yet always elusive pot at the end of the rainbow?

How are you in the context of much that has advanced beyond the many myths of yonder, meant to realistically apply a probing or logical mind to these quite pervasive visualizations, in the absence of anything else, either to placate or entice?

With all this said, I now need to simply urge you, very sincerely, to take a deep breath and think twice, before acquiescing into the continued cocooned life of least resistance, believing that whatever the Church professes as to your salvation in It's interpretation of scripture, is going to undertake the onerous job of bringing you further than where you are right now on your anticipated trip, simply holding a visa and ticket to heaven, seemingly granted and all paid up!

Take heart now, for my purpose is truly comfort and not alarm. Thus I want to go to a bedrock consideration that should help to alleviate any apprehension. For this you are asked to put everything aside in the mind, and center all attention in the heart ~ the actual center of your being in the feeling world ~ your real identity and connection.

Now always go back to Origin, beyond all that has apparently led you to forget over the ages, and come back gradually in silent remembrance of your Divine Heritage, as being a direct individuation of God ~ a spark of His Flame! Who is there to persuade you otherwise, as being some disconnected alien?

As told, you are indeed also in the Image of God, not of body, arms, legs and head, but of inherent Beingness in Consciousness ~ a self-conscious 'Free Will' facet in the Oneness of Infinite Divine Consciousness that is named God, the ONE I AM.

Thus be quite clear that you are not a created creature, as with elements in Creation of Form, to constituted or populated planets, brought about over ages through some vast evolutionary assembly line, from cell to ever more complex structure.

You are a manifold multifaceted unique individuation of the Creator, partaking in the Creation with a very specific purpose in Service, whether you choose to externally acknowledge this or not. Else what on Earth might you imagine brought you here, to explore and undergo this most challenging and expansive experiential classroom, way out in Creation? Does the further question, mostly left mute by the Church, ever challenge your mind: 'Why am I here'? It is precisely intrinsic to the Image referred to, that you share inalienably in the vast dispensation of Free Will and free choice, dishonored so blatantly and consistently, by all who seek to consolidate power over you for control.

You may well revel in the realization of this implied freedom and liberation, but then you also confront the awesome fact of the accompanying responsibility that you alone must integrate in all it's pitfalls and prompts to learning, before denial or shifting blame onto someone else.

Now please register this with all your comprehension: No-one, not a solitary soul of any designation or description, Divine or human, has any right or annexed authority, to tamper with your God given Free Will, or worse, violate it in any way whatsoever, to compromise your mastery in your avowed Holy contract with God.

This was the case manifest long before you chose to set off on this involutionary trip to experience on His behalf through dense physicality, to eventually emerge into evolutionary growth and now exponential expansion in Consciousness, on your way Home. Indeed YOU are the intrinsic and inherent part of the inseparable Oneness of God that so undertook to assist Creation in It's methodology of Evolution.

Free Will is a Divine Law entrenched in Divinity, way beyond all and sundry commandments issued in and to humanity! So, merely in passing, consider the long record and performance of the Church in this regard, with all and sundry infringements ironically justified in the very name of God!

From all this input you may now deduce that it follows incontrovertibly, that YOU are the one responsible for the present major aspect of your emergence that you call salvation, meaning the return 'from the dense forest,' you volunteered to explore, to 'the clear fields' of God.

This ipso facto also implies the furtherance in Service of the Divine Plan, in voluntarily aligning your Free Will with the vaster purpose of God in Creation, that includes you as His local agent in extension! Just think on the Light filled concluding heart exclamation of Jesus, sweating on the outer brow of mind, in the olive grove of Gethsemane.

There is in the Christian Religion, as in others, these most revered Way-Showers, raised from the fields of humanity, to emerge in to the clear fields, as you are encouraged to, continuing greatly to achieve right up to the Realm of the One that is in the exalted role of the Planetary Christ. Great Ones remain with the world as wonderful selfless exponents in the Oneness of God's Light of Love, so enlightening the Way forward for mankind, via Heaven, on the narrow Path Home, to God the I AM, as is the name revealed to Moses.

Did not the Christ give you the pointers to the wondrous intermediate Realm called Heaven? A domain only just existing on the 'upper edge' of Form, where all on Earth have to pass through on their Way Home. The comforting Soul Way-Station 'base camp,' before the steep ascent from all Form into pure Spirit, on the Lighted Way to the Father as the Center of pure Spirit, only thus to be worshiped as the One of pure (Light) Spirit.

Is it not then fully clear to understand the reference of the Christ, presiding over the Heavenly Soul Realm of so-called Christ Consciousness for Planet Earth, as He expresses: 'I AM the Way'? The Way to I AM, the Way all must traverse who aspire to reach the Father. This is so for all humans, regardless of the names and exclusive variations they may attach to describe the same reality.

Did the Christ not also exhort you to achievement, in your God given innate potential of even outpacing Him? And did He not also most clearly demonstrate this Way, to the vigilant, with the 'gates' to be moved through, as critical points of experience? Thus to approach and pass through the third 'gate' of Transfiguration into the Soul Realm or level of Christ Consciousness and Light, then to go through the fourth of crucifixion of Form altogether, as Jesus demonstrated so symbolically through His body for all to see, and then to finally ascend through the seventh into pure Spirit.

Please also, in reference to Jesus, I wish to record that the words 'only begotten,' interpreted conveniently the way they are, is a misnomer and huge divisive insult simply to exclude all others of faith, and most discomforting to the great One that so selflessly serves the Father, and thus humanity. It is a grave and deceitful misrepresentation in the Oneness, as conceived by a separative being in whatever guise at whatever time, to promote self interest and the egoistic desire for exclusivity. It is perhaps central to the greatest cause of enmity leading to confrontation, aggression and bloodshed, perpetrated by any faith!

All self-conscious individuations of God are in effect only begotten unique sons and daughters of the Father of Love. There is no separative favoritism of one alone remotely possible, or even registered in the Divine Oneness of God. Only that God IS ONE! Alone without another, and that All share in total Divine equality, quite unimaginable in stratified humanity.

Furthermore, if you should choose to believe that Jesus died for you, then that is fine for you. This Compassionate Being on Earth certainly accepted the ultimate in His demonstration of Love and the potential of Resurrection for mankind ~ ALL mankind, including you.

If generous in the way He exemplifies, you would also acknowledge the many throughout history that have paid the ultimate price in the perceived interests of humanity in which you are integral, often executed at the hands of the dogmatic Church demagogues. Love simply has no bounds and no favorites, no matter human prejudice, bias and specious categorization.

However, if through this belief you should seek to further extend your loving reverence for Jesus to bolster your human wishful thinking of absolving you from bearing responsibility for your actions and thereby gain some seemingly pre-ordained ingeniously conceived automatic grand amnesty, then you and your human mentors have chosen to step over the edge of credulity that takes breath away in so brazenly defying Divine Intent! Yet it remains your choice in shaping your progress.

Do know, however, that the solemn Inner dynamics of Divine Forgiveness, that YOU may always choose to invoke, is quite another deeply individual matter between you and the One you hail from, requiring intimate, often 'sacrificial' (making sacred) eclipse of self, and not the delusion that Divinity has automatic passes and periodic pardons, that some on Earth even authorize themselves to administer!

This ingrained Church elective, further to legitimize It's agency role in disseminating this pious largesse, is truly the blind misleading the blind into patronizing self- delusion, and the abrogating transfer of your singular responsibility to bring yourself to balance in mastering the tough school of the dualities. Thus you are obliged to accept all that you call positive and negative that may affect you, with equanimity, and so most decidedly it is for you to engage the full measure of consequences. YOU are the being of free choice making your choices!

Do you truly believe you should compromise that freedom and it's responsibility, by self appointing an organizational proxy, or accepting that there is One that has already suffered for you, so gaining your absolution from God? This Potentate of retribution only lives in the mind of man!

NEVER give your sovereign God induced power away! Not in it's positive or it's negative aspects, in the interests of your own mastery and evolution!

This has nothing to do with the sacred esteem in which you hold the Divine One you wish to entrust with your salvation. It basically only concerns the mundane fact in yourself, of seconding your given power to another, no matter how illustrious. This is the slippery slope you allow yourself to so easily slide on, that invariably leads directly into ever deepening limitation and the opposite of self reliance in mastery, the very generator of increasing negativity and vulnerability. The parlous state of mankind!
Perhaps, paradoxically then, when you show faith to stand on your own feet, and show very clear intent in taking the first very personal step in silence inside yourself, quite beyond any crystallized beliefs, the Light is instantly noticed by the very same Divine Ones, and help is sure to follow at your call.

Not only can you knock as you were invited to do, but you will be unmistakenly heard loud and clear, and there will be Joy in despatching the immediate unseen ones to start sweeping the path before you, with others whispering encouragement in your ears!

The whole Universe awaits and begins to lovingly monitor progress, following these magical moments of self prompted initiation towards the awakening process in each individuation, so long in the density of the forest. And the Father just smiles in Knowingness, awaiting these soon returning sons and daughters for the feast.

Now, it must be conceded, that much in the original background of the Church was rather inevitable in the harsh pioneering circumstances, and thus more understandable. There must have been some general concern to attract and protect the first very simple souls, saving them the convoluted machinations of formulating a basic belief system, that is laudable and even merciful.

So a dictum was issued that the flock not enter into the privileged formulating fomentation, and only submit to superior guidance, by placing their trust in the August organization (refer St. Augustine), that will then assume the obligatory transferred responsibility to intercede and direct the worship, on into the appropriated right to forgive and absolve, as a service to any fearing recriminations or curse. In those formative decades many issues were weighed, debated, adjusted, neutralized, changed, deleted or embroidered, as the fledgling belief system was molded and pruned into eventually becoming the weighty State Religion of the Holy Roman Empire, between 300 and 400 A.D., centered in Constantinople.

This clearly instilled an added intention to keep the populace subordinate, and direct their worship formally through the Church to Heaven, under the not inconsiderable threat of severe reprisals for any dissension or subordination, including the great slight to dignity of ex-communication back into the wilderness. Many subconsciously bear inherited scars of iniquities of the Church.

So the Christian faith in It's swaddling clothes, underwent relentless buffeting and modeling by those in rigid control, to assure success and financial stability of the pontifical organization, at the mounting tragic expense of denying the inherent birthright of every God individuated being to return into Oneness under his or her own auspices. This sad legacy tenaciously lingers in and permeates most denominations to this very day, having been so ruthlessly entrenched that most still remain timidly unempowered and unaware of their true estate in God and their sacred mission on Earth.

Then, to make the Divine reality on Earth more 'real' than the intangibility of pure Spirit, this belief system was finally cast into shape, abetted by recorded opinions mainly of Paul of Tarsus in Asia Minor, leading the largest feuding early Christian group chosen to form a nucleus. Thus they lifted the intermediate great Way-Showers of Love into the One's to be worshiped, entirely contrary to originally expressed directives of these Ones, and in doing this saddled These preemptively with the burden of your salvation, administered by the Church, and so leaving you finally stripped and at the bidding of the State and It's Religion.

History is indeed relegated history, and it requires Compassion to understand the circumstances proddings and human folly that prevailed at particular times. Now, however, the folding in of this time on Earth is in full swing, rather alarmingly dubbed the 'end time.' This should not be translated as a terminal apocalypse, but cannot be soft talked away in it's reality as being the most comprehensive, complex and far reaching transformation this Planet has faced in all It's existence.

But the images so imaginatively peddled in many predictions and prophecies of doom, also in your scripture, are mostly opinions now mercifully superceded, as that world has indeed ended as was predicted, at the calling of the enlightened few in humanity no less, with the majority not even noticing even now, due to it being a process and not an instant engulfing cataclysm.

Nevertheless this process is by no means a bed of roses with much rocking and tumbling still ahead. The Harvest, though, as a more accurate way of describing the so-called 'Last Judgement,' is well in progress already, and this is the context in which this writing is offered!

All are to come to a point in due course, calmly or in protest, to engage the choosing of their way ahead. The ripening discomfort of the 'status quo' is becoming relentlessly palpable, with pressure intensifying by the day, and many are expressing quo vadis in greater urgency. This is even obliging some to pursue subconscious preparations to leave, or seek a crash course inawakening, evidenced by the burgeoning of the many millions now reaching for the Light increasing at an accelerating rate.

Now for the latter ones still ensconced in the Church, that I AM addressing here, it is unfortunately so that the preponderance of clergy are, despite being more informed in their accumulation of Theology, at exactly the same levels of self development as their more advanced parishioners, thus not able to offer real guidance in the elusive Inner search, beyond much needed comfort and mutual support.

It can be compared to all having reached high school, officially confirmed into the curriculum and system. But then to proceed there is the University, in which all the choices become disconcertingly yours alone, with no more spoonfeeding or coercion.
You enter the freedom, and also responsibility of your own advancement. Eventually you reach your final exams when, if diligent, you may go on to graduate into greatly expanding life beyond. It is so weird to observe the many on Earth that remain quite unperturbed in the high school mentality. Are most truly content to leave the vital issue of their very existence in life so constricted and inconclusive, believing that, in an analogy to Religion, one is somehow exonerated from doing all the Inner work oneself, and to sit for the ongoing self examinations, in eventual anticipation of graduation. Even more absurd is the belief that, as one just coaxes along as the perennial student, the teachers will perchance become so exasperated as to relent and actually carry one through the final examination to achieve this graduation in abundant Life. What ignorance and intended subterfuge of Divine Law, whilst the student in Life IS the empowered part of the One in this quest, with all the equipment built in as standard, but either no incentive, no willpower or inept laziness, just feeding on life.

So what does all this mean as to how you may proceed, even quietly on your own without ruffling any feathers or changing any allegiances in the meantime? Well, the first major goal that you may envisage some steps ahead of you, is to achieve graduating into your so-called Soul Merge.

So carefully look, with new eyes, to see how Jesus demonstrated this achievement of Transfiguration (or Self Realized Enlightenment in other Religions). This occurs after entry on the Path, as Jesus showed at age 12 in the Temple of Jerusalem, also symbolizing entry to the dedication of being about the Father's work, in a purified physical body temple.

Thereafter came the calming of the turbulent waters of the emotions, illusions and glamours in the wilderness, with success symbolized in the Baptism with water, to thirdly arrive at the full lower mental sublimation in the Transfiguration, when the Higher Self Soul now takes dominion, in complete allowance, surrender and offering up (raising) the threefold personality of body, emotions and mentality.

This is indeed then like a graduation of acceptance into the expanded intermediate Soul level of Consciousness named Christ Consciousness, where there is awareness and communication with many of the wonderful Ones that are still the Way Showers, on the Path ahead of you. Remember Jesus on the Mount. You too, may very well begin conscious interaction in Service guided by these great Beings of Love. No-one with talent is ever left to spend much time practicing on the proverbial harp!

You will soon come to realize, not without surprise, that your recognized and revered Christ is in no way exclusive to Christianity, in this unitave state of Soul. Divinity is totally devoid of divisiveness, as found in the experiential dualities of humanity. This exalted Being functions in the most sacred role and office of the Christ, representationally 'embodying' this blessed Soul Realm of Christ Consciousness for Planet Earth. He is known by many names, spanning the Religions of Earth, and presides over this Soul level, called Heaven.

This is most assuredly the only Way all must traverse on their journey Home. This Realm is one of complete Love and Compassion for Earth and all those following in their mastery to arrive here, in this Paradise from which the onward journey already looms wondrously. For the analytical, it is on the very fringe, only just still in atomic/electronic Form, with the eyes of any traveler reaching here already scanning the further Lighted Way ahead through the mists, into the octaves of pure Spirit.
Beyond here no body of Form can enter, having to finally discard the soul vehicle to proceed in a pure Spirit Light body. (The second 'death'). Many choose to remain on the intermediate level for a while, to be in Earth Service, and so it is with the present great Ones before They move on.

The beyond is indeed a vast and formless great ocean of Spirit ~ ever refining Energies that are much raised infrequency vibrations up the octave scale towards the Infinite Center called Home, without any atom/electronic Form connotations whatsoever.

An indescribable ocean of Light, color and sound that is to be entered, like going into a void from all the comforting and intimate experience before. But this has to be for the ones so prepared on Soul level, to leave to Serve in this vastest of all purely Spiritual 'regions,' with myriads of levels upon and in levels, to further expand awareness in Consciousness in these most rarified Divine Realms, eventually to traverse and reach Home!

Always keep very firmly in mind, that God is pure Spirit, and the very Essence of this Beingness Energy is Divine pure unconditional LOVE. This means vastly more than human conceptions of love. It constitutes the Whole of all attraction and receptive force, in many guises such as gravity, magnetism, cohesion and then coherence, for It also embraces all the Wisdom of the Heart and It's many 'attracting' attributes.

Know too, that Christ Consciousness is exactly the same as this Infinite God Consciousness, but stepped down into electronic reality to be assimilable and compatible in Creation on the Form levels (The Son indeed), for the vast Power of the Sacred Fire Energies at Source would simply burn up (etherealize) that which is not protectively geared to receiving It in measured potency in life on Earth.

For Earth this wondrous stepped down Energy is the Three Fold Flame of Unconditional Divine Love, called the Holy Spirit in Christianity, fully balanced with the great influx of Love Energy transmitted by the Christ, in Jesus anchoring on the Planet, 2000 years ago. He could well proclaim to those remaining on Earth when He demonstrated the Planetary Ascension, that in His apparent absence (an impossibility in energy), the Holy Spirit will be available as Comforter (from the Soul Realm), sufficient for potent use in humanity. And so it is to this day, now undergoing major adjustments in the great Shift of drawing Heaven into physicality!

This then is some of the background I AM pleased to convey on the Soul Merge, which is about as far as any ancient belief system could project and postulate, with even that being mostly lost on the mass of humanity. No substantial Religion on Earth has remotely found itself competent to confidently advance and consider much beyond.

So all scriptures, as well as profound expressions in many fields such as music, art and literature in humanity, have implicitly extolled the virtues of setting out to reach this exalted level of Self Realization, often in beautifully mystical ways. That is until now, when the mists have been vastly clearing, by the further insistent calls of enlightened humanity in the pursuit of pure Spiritual God Realization, always via the Realm of Christ Consciousness and the Soul Merge Christing (Anointing). This is now the imminent vista directly ahead.

So I now return to those 'good souls' in the Church, here being addressed. In the Light of the revealed stupendous Glory and Splendor of the Lighted Way ahead, is it not dawning on those that are clinging to their locally trusted spiritual comfort zones and just biding their time resting back on their laurels, that they are becoming somewhat stuck, tantalizingly, on the very threshold of the most incredible potential advancement, now being made available by Divine dispensation at this critical point in Earth's ascending transformation?

Many ostensibly appear to be just sitting in waiting rooms with folded arms and unplugged minds, for the 'liberation' they hope or trust will simply fall into their laps, at long last upon physical death, whereas this passing event hardly figures on the eternal Path of self initiated expanding awareness in Consciousness!

Here I may seem to be a bit strident, for I wish to avert a potential disappointment to be experienced, in the unexpected wake- up call on arrival in a 'mansion' among many up the scale, that is not yet quite up to your expectation as the comfortable place of eternal rest, for the many 'mansions' are but interludes still very close to Earth, with much remaining on the Journey into Spirit and that ultimate Home.

I do, however, so deeply acknowledge the gentle virtue in simply cultivating a pure and humble trust in faith, but then not in feigned weakness or self denial; only with the firm intent to actively pursue and expand your connection through your own Inner work. Even the prodigal son had to walk his walk to find his Father!

There is great passion and some qualified surrender in the statement that "I have had enough and am now willing to simply trust and give everything over in submission to Jesus as my deliverer. I am born again unreservedly into His complete care, praise the Lord, and I need nothing else."

In this the question is not whether you, as endorsed by the Church, simply submit and incessantly pray to fulfill your every need, seeking what God or His assumed Intermediaries can do for you, but rather what YOU can do for God, all by yourself, in alignment with His Will, and the broad the broadly perceived Divine Plan. From this will come all the blessings that fulfill your needs, well before you get time off in your Service to pray for them!