
The First International Conference on Free Energy

U.S. Dept. of State Washington, D.C., USA

Conference: April 29-30, 1999 Workshops: May 1, 1999

Hosted by the Secretary of State Open Forum

The objective of CoFE is to:

* Educate the private and public sectors about free energy
* Demonstrate its capacity to perform work free of charge
* Explain how it is superior to centralized power generation
* Emphasize the planetary urgency for its adoption
* Broaden deregulation choices free of combustion-pollution
* Discuss the availability of various free energy systems
* Analyze free energy science regarding input and output

Scheduled Plenary Speakers:

* Dr. Paul Brown, Nuclear Solutions Inc.
* Dr. Edmund Storms, Los Alamos Labs (ret.)
* Dr. Paulo Correa
* Les Adam, AZ Industries
* Dr. Peter Graneau, Center. for Electromagnetic Research, Northeastern Univ.
* David Wallman
* Chris Flavin, Worldwatch Institute
* Dr. David Goodwin, DOE
* Bruce Perrault
* Chip Ransford, Nova Resources Group
* Dr. Deborah D. L. Chung, SUNY/Buffalo
* Dr. Tom Van Flandern, Meta Research
* James Griggs, Hydro Dynamics Inc.
* Kent Robertson, American Wind Energy Association

For further information, contact the co-sponsor:

Integrity Research Institute
1422 K Street NW, Suite 204
Washington, DC 20005
202-452-7674 and 800-295-7674 ; FAX 301-513-5728

The First International Conference on Free Energy

With the assistance of the Chairperson of the Secretary's Open Forum, the conference will be conducted under the auspices of the U. S. State Department at 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520, in the Dean Acheson Auditorium accompanied by attendees from the Dept. of State, Dept. of Energy, NASA, embassies, non-profit organizations. A separate video room will schedule continuous energy documentary videos both days.

Call agent early for hotel reservations across the street from the conference: 800-777-8747.

The State Department is Metro (subway) accessible. use the Foggy Bottom/GWU stop, and

The First International Conference on Free Energy

A conference featuring the some of the best professional scientists and inventors who have specialized in new, unconventional, and clean energy alternatives that approach the ideal of "free" energy: an ideal that sets the standard for on-site, modular power units as the electricity of the future.

The emphasis for speakers will be: (1) the details of the technology, (2) how it can be utilized effectively, and additionally, (3) the implications for society upon adoption of the technical advancement.

List of invited speakers:

Dr. Paul Brown* Betavoltaic Batteries (possible demo)

Dr. Edmund Storms* Hydrogen Technologies Overview

Dr. Paulo Correa Pulsed Plasma Glow Discharge

Les Adam* Peroxide Powered Helicopter (Demo!)

Dr. Peter Graneau* Release of Chemical Bond Energy

David Wallman* Carbon-Arc Gasification of Biomass

Chris Flavin WorldWatch Renewable Energy

Dr. David Goodwin* Zero Point Energy Generation

Bruce Perrault* Nuclear Radiant Energy Battery (Demo)

Chip Ransford* Tabletop Nuclear Transmutation (Demo)

Dr. Deborah D. L. Chung* Negative Resistance and Superconductivity

Dr. Tom Van Flandern* Gravity Model and Free Energy Implications

James Griggs* Hydrosonic Pump Generator (cavitation)

Kent Robertson* American Wind Energy Association

*confirmed as of 2/1/99

Thirty Exhibitors also featured who are not speakers (as well as some who are speakers), including: Energy Information Administration (DOE), Lightworks Audio/Video, Solarex Solar Power Panels, U of Md FutureCar Team, Breakthrough Technologies Institute, Magnetizer Inc., U.S. Energy Association, Billings Corp., Fuel Cell Institute, Integrity Research Institute, Friends of the Earth, and many others.


1. Dr. Eugene Mallove: "Assisted Nuclear Reactions";
2. Dr. Edmond Stroms: "Technical Details"
3. Bruce Perrault: "Radiant Energy"
4. Les Adams: "From Magnets to Helicopters
5. Paul Pantone: "GEET Clean Conbustion Device"
6. Chip Ransford: "Nucleosysthesis Details"
7. Kent Robertson: "The Right Windmill for You"
8. Dr. paul Brown: "Effective Radioactive Waste Remediation"
9. Dr. Peter Graneau: "Experimental Results of Arc Discharges"
10. David Wallman: "Biomass Solution"
two other mystery guests!!!

Conference Notes:

* Videotapes.

Professional quality videotapes of each speaker will be available after the conference.

* Workshops.

Saturday two-hour sessions are scheduled in parallel at $30. each.

* Admission.

No charge for admission. However, a per person cost of a gourmet catered lunch ($20) and two refreshment breaks ($5) per day, plus surcharges, has been assessed.

* Hotel.

A limited number of rooms set aside for CoFE attendees at the State Plaza Hotel, 2117 E St. NW, (202-861-8200, 800-424-2859) by mentioning Group #4527.

* Travel.

Ericson Travel (CoFE Official Agent) has deep discount travel and hotels available (301-595-7999, 800-777-8747).

* Reception.

Pre-conference speaker reception in the Diplomat Room of the State Plaza Hotel 7-9 PM April 28, Wednesday night.

* Entertainment.

Kennedy Center (walk 3 blocks )

Registration Form:

Use one sheet for each person attending:

Catering Fee: $30.00 per day, or $60.00 total: __________

Proceedings: $25.00 Each: __________

Workshops at Hotel: $30.00 each: __________

Videotapes: $20.00 each: __________


Use check/money order/MC/VISA/Novus/AmEx: _________________

Security Requirements for Admissions name Badge: (Sorry, no substututes for this information)

U.S. Citizen Social Security #: __________________________ NOT REQUIRED! SEE BELOW.

Birthdate: __________________________

Foriegn Attendee Passport #: __________________________

or Diplomatic ID #: __________________________

Birthdate: __________________________

Note: This information will be held in confidence.








Send to:

Integrity Research Institute 1422 K Street NW Suite 204 Washington, DC 20005 202-452-7674 800-295-7674 FAX 301-513-5728

Transcribed into text from WORD98 files by Patrick Bailey, February 17, 1999, and emailed to the world, because Tom Valone is a friend of mine.

Good Luck Tom!

Dr. Patrick Bailey President, Institute for New Energy

Regarding the April International Free Energy Conference in WDC, per my previous email:

a SSN is NOT required (thanks to Dale Pond!):

Tom Valone says:

and furthermore, a driver's license or US passport number is okay for the admission badge.

Thanks Dale.

Thanks Tom!

Full email text:

Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 22:24:29 -0800 From: Thomas Valone Organization: Integrity Research Institute MIME-Version: 1.0 To: CC:, Subject: CoFE

Hi Pat, Thanks for the summary email for CoFE. Due to Dale's quoting of the legal stuff, I check with another person at the State Dept. and he said Dale was right and furthermore, a driver's license or US passport number is okay for the admission badge. Perhaps a followup email to let people know will help.

Michael T. Huffman
Huffman Technology Company
1121 Dustin Drive Lady Lake, Florida 32159


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